

演员: 梅·韦斯特 加里·格兰特


更新时间: 02-19 22:36

资源状态: 可播放





歌声俪影 格劳乔·马克斯、奇科·马克斯 7.2
春闺风月 艾琳·邓恩、加里·格兰特 7.5
1. 小镇话语/ 08-07
2. 我不是天使/ 12-02
3. 公主艳史/ 01-26
4. 脂粉双枪侠/ 01-28
5. 沙漠之子/ 02-11
6. 合家欢/ 10-05
7. 头条新闻/ 03-04
8. 礼物/
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




侬本多情原名:She Done Him Wrong,1933年喜剧、爱情类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由洛威·舍曼执导,并由Harvey F. Thew、约翰·布**任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位梅·韦斯特、加里·格兰特等著名实力派明星加盟。于1933-02-09(美国)公映。


New York singer and nightclub owner Lady Lou has **** men friends than you can imagine, unfortunately one of them is a vicious criminal who's escaped and is on the way to see "his" girl, not realizing she hasn't exactly been faithful in his absence. **** is at hand in the form of young Captain Cummings, a local temperance league leader, though.




She Done Him Wrong (1933), from director Lowell Sherman, is Mae West s star-******, most famous film role as a liberated, racy woman who enjoys her sexuality - as a character named Lady Diamond Lou. The Naughty/*** Nineties character was a recreation of her 1928 Diamond Lil Broadway stage play (and its bejeweled title character). Credits for its screenplay are given to Harvey Thew, John Bright and Mae West herself. The box-office smash film for Paramount Pictures, given a different title than Diamond Lil to disassociate itself from the toured, scandalous play during part of 1929, was shot in approximately three weeks (including rehearsal time). Its single Academy Award nomination was for Best Picture, but it lost to Cavalcade. (It was the only Mae West film ever to be nominated.)  The famous film, featuring West s first starring role (she had appeared in a supporting cameo role in Night After Night (1932) with George Raft), is filled with lots of clever innuendo, witty one-liners, and bold carnality, as she spouts irreverent one-liners (the oft-misquoted Why don t you come up sometime n see me? ), seduces a unspecified mission worker/undercover cop (Cary Grant), and sings bawdy songs (including Frankie and Johnny, I Like A Guy What Takes His Time, and Easy Rider).  It has been generally claimed that this film and West s other 1933 picture, I m No Angel (1933), both helped to spur the coming of stricter enforcement by the Hays Production Code one year later, and the development of the Catholic Legion of Decency. The film s criminal subplot about white slavery and counterfeiting was confusing due to the Hays Office s demands to rid the film of references to white slavery, although odd fragments remain. The tagline of one of the film s posters confirmed the film s dangerous sentiment: Mae West gives a HOT TIME to the Nation.

黑特-007 2023-03-03

结尾???你们制片厂为了让男女明星happy ending真是什么狗血招数都想得出来。当然严格来说本片没有男主= =

发不沾霓 2015-10-25


Parker Li 2018-12-17


山下猫 2020-02-06


罚酒 2019-07-31


陈* 2012-11-10

Mae West是女权先锋,台词机警又俏皮,这样的**怎么活都精彩。

余啸 2021-09-29

Kino 2021年发行之Mae West蓝光,2017年4k扫描修复,7.5分+ “When women go wrong, men go right after them Diamonds is ** career” 这部出自Mae West的戏剧由West自己出演再合适不过,中间West的三段歌唱着实抓人眼球,不过群戏的剧本稍显逊色,格兰特实在是年轻**。此片还获得了1933年奥斯卡最佳影片提名

dinosaurs 2018-02-15


a little mark 2022-05-17

3.5 给Mae阿姨的Brooklyn accent点赞。p.s 她走路**是因为身高只有5英尺拍电影要穿为她特殊定制的恨天高鞋。

ofelia11 2016-03-31

Mae West妙不可言,撩男功力一流。地母身形,丰满肉感,funny & charming。脱口而出的那些俏皮话今天还不过时,不,应该说比当下俗不可耐的台词更会捕捉幽默精髓。可惜,误杀发生之后的剧情莫名其妙,套一个警察拜倒在爱情裙下的收尾,仓促生硬。