Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Kill with Kindness
Katherine Oldham sees a homeless man in the park, feeding the pigeons. He looks perfect. Her brother, Fitzhugh, his mind either on a bird or his butterfly collection, absent-mindedly agrees. She brings the old man inside and feeds him some stew. The man dimly suspects something is wrong when the eccentric brother blurts out something about killing and substitutes and insurance....
scofieldd 2022-05-08
annie 2017-11-21
3.5 hail 女权。聪明尽责的女性和愚蠢幼稚的男性,根本不像是姐弟关系,应该是为了把剧情说圆而变相设置的、实际上应该是母子关系的人物纽带。杀戮没有善意的,聪明而又善意不会导致杀戮。
奥德乔恩 2023-08-06
以好不以新 2018-12-18
《希区柯克剧场》S02E04《Kill with Kindness》干练果决的姐姐和愚蠢的弟弟,本应该是偷天换日的**案,最后啼笑皆非