Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me在线观看和下载

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me(1956)

演员: 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 李·飞利浦 艾伦·里德




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《Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me》相关推荐

翌日清晨 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克、罗伯特·阿尔达
东方之旅 Gary Merrill、Patricia Cutts
4. 意外邀约/ 11-10
5. 钻石项链/ 12-01
6. 玫瑰花园/ 12-01
7. 完美的犯罪/ 11-17
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14

《Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me》剧情内容介绍

《Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me》


Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Alibi Me

Georgie Minnelli confronts Lucky Moore, his old childhood enemy, for interfering in his pinball machine racket. Georgie waves a gun in Lucky's face, but Lucky isn't intimidated. A cop named Larkin has just been made lieutenant, and Larkin vowed long ago that if either of these hated ****** turns up dead, the other had better have a good alibi. Georgie couldn't possibly get away...

Columbo 2014-06-16


woniu2048 2019-05-21


annie 2017-11-17


以好不以新 2018-12-23

《希区柯克剧场》S02E07《Alibi Me》三星半。机关算尽,最后还是被偶然**给坑掉;同时,男主每件事情都搞砸了,真不愧是全镇上最蠢的人。