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一九五一年的欧洲 英格丽·褒曼、亚历山大·诺克斯 8.0
鸟的歌唱 马克·佩伦森、路易斯·卡尔博 7.7
1. 为萨德疾呼/ 10-22
2. 曼谷之夜/ 09-13
3. 会饮/ 10-13
5. 致疯的喧嚣/ 06-21
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




阿比·瓦尔堡:变形与记忆原名:Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory,

Aby Warburg, (1866-1929), an art historian of startling originality, came from the renowned Warburg banking family of Hamburg, Germany. Already in his teens, the first of seven children, he made a deal with his next oldest brother, to forfeit his birth right to take over the family bank in exchange for full financial support in buying all the books that he would ever want. The ...

fff勒内 2022-02-17

通行的分期,但是Koerner的几次comment实在精彩:蛇舞lecture在双重意义上的composure(D师讲里尔克的Rodin lecture用了类似的角度),Warburg个体生命和志业追求的互文(然而:Gift/Gegengift的不可调和)。image-body(不知道Clark会怎么看Warburg)Forster写Warburg着眼的星辰背后总是人类命运:Every age has the renaissance of antiquity it deserves. We are in nothing but the process of metamorphosis. 与瓦尔堡的“遭遇”实属万幸。