这是德意志民主共和国:不一样的德国历史原名:That Was the GDR: A History of the Other Germany,又名这是东德 – 一个历史的德国
English narration & German dialogue with English subtitles where needed. This astonishing chronicle of the German Democratic Republic (or as we called it, East Germany) features illuminating interviews complimented by rare archival materials from film, photographs, posters, caricatures, popular songs and speeches. Former citizens both prominent and unknown reflect on cultural, ...
1344569583 2018-07-11
[内嵌英文字幕]纪录片《这是德意志****国:不一样的德国历史 That Was the GDR:A History of the Other Germany 1993》讲述了德意志****国(东德)的编年史。包含罕见的档案材料,胶卷,照片,海报,漫画,流行的歌曲和演讲。“东德”,是1949年10月7日到1990年10月3日期间存在于欧洲中部的****国家。该纪录片又名《这是东德 – 一个历史的德国》。