马王哦不海王其实性格蛮讨喜的 眼里总是带着笑 说自己是big SNL dork好可爱 elf wants new kid那个段子蛮好笑 GoT的段子哎想看GoT you never know how fast they kill off a character 串场时候的双马尾也太铁汉柔情了我喜哈哈哈哈
🍄 2022-04-14
i always do the same thing. nothing bad, its just a kind of ****. the losses n gains, means nothing if it did no harm to anybody, to me separately, idc, cause all is in vain, smoke n looking glass, come out of this impact i said to myself, theres no good keep draining in, fork away from the predictable, control freak (as me, fantasy existence....
双层芝士 2018-12-09
Jason真的玩得好嗨,除了 cold open 有些尬而且 cameo 德尼罗全程看cue卡,几个圣诞有关的 sketch 跟 digital short 都很棒,p.s. 他可能是第一个光脚开场的主持??
突然粉碎 2018-12-11
鸡笼警告⚠️ 海王说*话跳*舞啦,从monologue就超级投入,而且有认真背台词,好吧我承认主要看点是**,男卡司们集体cos驯鹿意外的萌,SNL一到圣诞季就无比欢乐,下周host是呆萌诶
秦娥夢斷秦樓月 2019-03-27
一直有好好卖肉哦……good for you
Evelyn桃桃 2018-12-12
好喜欢trump兄弟哈哈哈。圣诞小精灵那个简直有毒,Them Trumps绝了!好脑洞!WU真的有爱。鲁道夫Pete太可爱了妈耶…
日落可以慢半拍 2018-12-12
马王哦不海王其实性格蛮讨喜的 眼里总是带着笑 说自己是big SNL dork好可爱 elf wants new kid那个段子蛮好笑 GoT的段子哎想看GoT you never know how fast they kill off a character 串场时候的双马尾也太铁汉柔情了我喜哈哈哈哈
🍄 2022-04-14
i always do the same thing. nothing bad, its just a kind of ****. the losses n gains, means nothing if it did no harm to anybody, to me separately, idc, cause all is in vain, smoke n looking glass, come out of this impact i said to myself, theres no good keep draining in, fork away from the predictable, control freak (as me, fantasy existence....
RealityBites 2018-12-13
nichkhun 2019-02-18
Echo Chen 2019-10-12
贯穿全集的主角:santa and elf.哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
粉圆兒 2018-12-19