自杀者日记原名:Le journal d'un suicidé,又名Diary of a Suicide
In his interview on Facet Video's DVD of Diary of a ******* (Le journal d'un suicidé), Serbian director Stanislav Stanojevic mentions a French arts body that dispenses funds for creative filmmaking, and remarks that Luis Buñuel received **** money than he did! This early 70s art film depends for its reputation on a quote by François Truffaut, who may have not seen the film, but...
杨浦小囡 2021-06-02
再禁言我必卸载 2024-03-23
支离破碎的情节,杂乱无章的叙事,我认为实际在讲人类的**恶行 军官坐在那让一个个士兵上场,动动嘴皮子说一句“为了国家” 结尾德菲因的眼疾震撼人心
Mannialanck 2014-07-29
1 2012-01-03
Romi 2013-07-22