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塞纳的行李箱 罗曼·西格纳、克里斯托弗·M·欧赫特 9.0
4. 小路/
6. 洛杉矶/ 12-01
7. 索古比/ 12-01
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




中央谷地原名:El Valley Centro,

I began El Valley Centro in November of 1998; I was driving through the ***** Central Valley looking for places to film. I wasn’t going to start shooting for at least six months; I wanted to just look and listen – to get to know the Valley well before I would make images. But almost immediately I came across an oil well fire with flames high into the sky. I returned home for **...

paradiso 2019-06-03


热带神经鱼 2022-10-01


CBMY 2019-03-19

又一比较典型的反省式纪录片,没有语态,甚至没有修辞,导演偏爱一点**且天地各半的固定镜头构图,不太构成叙事,纪录属性更为显性,与天地玄黄那种影像内在叙事存在着很大的差距 20190321

世界的焚像. 2023-10-04

53min Slik Panse : There’s a shot in El Valley Centro in the Renaissance perspective where an airplane sprays pesticides, and flies over the camera, that is, your head, and by implication over the audience, indicating that the filmmaker and the viewer are not separated from what they are looking at.

劳斯特张 2016-10-06

impressive. a greek buddy, ** dance class teacher, said, he lived there