Make way for Gagamboy, in this Filipino laugh-out-loud super comedy. He is a do-good crusader, defender of the poor and oppressed, protector of children, and number one enemy of Ipisman! An accident at a pharmaceutical lab turns the mild-mannered and unassuming Junie, an ice cream vendor, into a superhero. Junie finds out that being strong and admired can also have its downside...
kylegun 2020-05-21
美帝有美国队长,台湾有F4,马尼拉有搞破坏多过搞建设的棚户贫民窟山寨/真假/女装蜘蛛侠;雪糕宿敌抢妹忙,痴情厨房墨鱼烧,装傻卖萌手喷麦芽糖;所以曱甴精的阴谋是啥?半夜趴屋顶的粉嘟嘟女吸血鬼是怎么回事?最后还有坟头蹦迪彩蛋……烂到极致就是赞,Erik Matti 导演的低幼儿童片黑历史
何阿嵐 2016-11-23