禁宫龙虎斗原名:House of Cards,又名纸屋
Leschenhaut and Morillon are trying to organize a plot to overthrow the French government and set up a new fascist organization. Their plans are interrupted by Davis, an American boxer, tutor of young Paul de Villemont; in Villemont Manor he discovers the plot and, after the kidnapping of the boy, he travels to Rome, where the organization would exchange Paul with a list of mem...
ofelia11 2021-02-05
制作大手笔,体现在:1实景拍摄,从巴黎的塞纳河,奢华古董宅院,****幻影,转到意大利的乡村,***喷水池,最后的斗兽场。2.Francis Lai的配乐,法式异国情调。3.**奥森威尔斯做配。然而以上这些都没能拯救这部类希区柯克式追踪悬疑片惨遭滑铁卢,故事没讲好,节奏有问题。不过,对我而言,看男女主的情感互动还算有意思,有些场景色而不*。
megaclubdiolis 2022-01-16
2.5 好巧啊两天连看到两部吉勒明导演的片,镜头运动还是蛮标志性的。古迹也够多,剧情就扯了点...奥逊来客串一刚。洗澡跟斗兽场那2场好古典,好洗翻...男女主去许愿池里捡钱笑死
** 2013-09-04