有着巧克力手指的男孩原名:the boy with chocolate fingers,
The story is about Donald McGlone, the boy with chocolate fingers (his fingers are made of chocolate). Because he is different, Donald has no friends and other children shun him. He grows up isolated and alone. Later he keeps a low profile working as an elevator operator, wearing gloves to conceal his secret. One day Molly, the girl he secretly adores, is trapped by a huge bear...
miemiemie 2014-03-20
出走的绒布熊 2014-03-22
鹿鹿鹿 2014-03-22
中肯** 2017-07-27
所有演員都是孩子,表演特別可愛,一段美好的不算太無趣的正能量教育片。_ 全程盯著巧克力手指,我好餓 '...' 。
Rae 2014-09-27
托腮 2018-01-12
持续十分钟的萌萌哒~ 甜甜的童话绘本
看什么看 2014-03-24
一群正太**脸都跟棉花糖似的ww 不过故事脑洞太大了.........
UniQueen 2014-12-25
creep._ 2015-11-22
全部都是孩子演的创意好好(●°u°●) 」虽然长了巧克力的手指但是Donald还是一直好好生活 文艺片的调调好棒