that oscar joke: before the he left the theater with other people, he was shocked and overwhelmed, they got into the elevator, it was crowed, there was an actress who standing in front him, Al was holding his oscar, and all of sudden he realized that his oscar was pointing to
法外葡挞 2020-09-09
Al说,I did standup comedy的时候,连我都震惊了哈哈哈哈哈哈,真希望还有片段留下来
好喝的椰*倒掉 2020-08-01
“当你来到天国之门,你想听上帝对你说什么呢?” “明天三点排练。”
Chicology 2012-12-25
坐等1900 2009-11-28
孑 2010-09-10
Clefairy 2012-06-09
Damselfly. 2013-09-16
Sorry, that wasn't me, that's ** Oscar. Al ** lord!
CloudAtlasJ 2021-05-12
色彩斑斓 2019-08-10
悉 2015-03-15
that oscar joke: before the he left the theater with other people, he was shocked and overwhelmed, they got into the elevator, it was crowed, there was an actress who standing in front him, Al was holding his oscar, and all of sudden he realized that his oscar was pointing to
法外葡挞 2020-09-09
Al说,I did standup comedy的时候,连我都震惊了哈哈哈哈哈哈,真希望还有片段留下来