

别名:An Evening with Marlene Dietrich / 我愿你爱

演员: 玛琳·黛德丽 Stan Freeman




爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



瑟堡的雨伞 凯瑟琳·德纳芙、尼诺·卡斯泰尔诺沃 7.8
一曲相思情未了 杰夫·布里吉斯、米歇尔·菲佛 8.0
1. 绅士爱美人/ 07-15
2. 蓝天使/ 06-15
4. 歌厅/ 09-26
5. 八美图/ 05-17
6. 红菱艳/ 06-08
7. 乐士浮生录/ 07-07
8. 娱乐世界/ 04-23
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10




愿你有爱原名:I Wish You Love,又名An Evening with Marlene Dietrich、我愿你爱

"I Wish You Love" offers a time capsule of Miss Dietrich's legendary stage act. The television special was taped in London over two days and later edited to a one-hour concert version. Dietrich wasn't pleased with the final result, saying that it "ain't as good," not on a par with her usual exellence. Still, if this late Dietrich concert doesn't show the diva at her most brilli...

小飞侠 2019-12-02


Gradisca 2011-01-20

Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing.

猴儿again 2014-08-18

70岁的Dietrich的这场唯一的彩色演唱会录影不是她最好的现场—— 听她Live At The Cafe De Paris或In London里的出色演出就知道了,而且这个现场的剪辑也只能说是一般,但却是绝无仅有的看到她舞台魅力的机会。

长清 2013-05-25

Writing about Dietrich, Hemingway said, “If she had nothing **** than her voice she could break your heart with it. But she has that beautiful body and the timeless loveliness of her face. It makes no difference how she breaks your heart if she is there to mend it."

老阿姨的小迷妹 2019-11-22


阿妙妙 2012-11-05
