Let's be honest. We are all here for David Tennant. And David Tennant with a man bun is EVERYTHING. I am not even joking, I saw a gif with David saying 'I am the daddy!', and then I watched an entire film for this.
DTT 2018-02-24
His eyes, his mouth, his beard, his hair, his underneath which I had seen in another movie, and it was not orange😂, they are all perfect
longer 2017-12-23
Kenda1lR0y 2019-02-14
前面还是挺好玩的 后面大乱 以及真的完全不知道要表达什么...(不过片子里真是一堆熟脸啊 DT妻子岳父齐上阵 还有DW里一堆演员
会飞的石头 2017-12-28
David · hold住一切造型 · Tennant
erinbloom 2019-07-15
我 2020-03-29
Let's be honest. We are all here for David Tennant. And David Tennant with a man bun is EVERYTHING. I am not even joking, I saw a gif with David saying 'I am the daddy!', and then I watched an entire film for this.
DTT 2018-02-24
His eyes, his mouth, his beard, his hair, his underneath which I had seen in another movie, and it was not orange😂, they are all perfect
早就想叫白玉狐 2020-03-27
价值观非常现代英国(至少是我脑子里认识到的)***,家庭,生育,***,直,刻板印象。笑点有点怪异,但是真的有get到。小妇人果然是这么经典的小说么,话说我还没看过= = 。David的蠢渣直男扑闪着博士深情的眼睛,让人怎么抗拒真的是。百变造型全靠长腿撑住slay全场。
豆友1673453 2019-12-21
难忘dtt的**,虽然这个角色Jay Jay的🤣
Robin Robinson 2024-06-21
尘埃里的茶 2018-04-04