指发魅怪原名:It conquered The World,又名异形征服世界
Go easy on this movie.......hell, it's the only time that Lee VanCleef gets to have a wife who actually likes him (at least for a little while). And it's Beverly Garland!!!.... at her sexiest, with her pointed padded Maidenform bra. What a babe! This is such a fun movie and a good one of its type......the black and white, 50's, paranoiac, cheesy monster "B" flick. There were so...
灵魂harvest 2017-11-22
巽凌 2017-05-22
I Simply Hate It(我爱廉价感,我想我只是不适合Roger Corman的廉价感) Cast:Be-Be-Be-verly Garland(Again) ;Sally Fraser
Agnes 2022-01-20
暂时被** 2020-08-18
zzzéro 2024-10-18
没想到是一个结构完整的故事。情绪激动时的演技和外星人的特效有一点好笑。死了好多人😭。不过我中间还是睡着了,sorry。是在巴黎电影园看的1欧优惠电影。Cinémathèque française
IFrances 2020-04-05
Lee Van Cleef饰演的科学家对人类绝望,引导外星人降临地球统治人类... 这个设定还算有趣