一个大胆的女人原名:웅담부인,又名A Bold Woman (Wungdam buin)
SYNOPSIS The film centers on independence and intelligence of a woman who makes active choices regardless of social norms and ethics. The main character is a divorcee, Eul-hye, and the story unfolds as she encounters different men and experiences with dramatic incidents and conflicts. 故事 “夫人熊取胆”很聪明,可以把意识(seonwooilran)一个**重视妇女的自立逃离他们的生活在社会机构或学说只选择自己的意志。主角是离异**eulhye“冲突的情况下,“eulh...
jacktung 2017-10-11
罗西基 2018-04-25