MLK Jr. Day movie. 全片主要是讲他的成就(as minority, I thank him and civil rights movement for the minority voting rights). 最后一部分短暂地提出了一个很难回答的问题:who are you and how did you handle your political idealism when you became a bureaucrat and a part of the establishment. 一个很难回答的问题,不只是政治问题,触及人性
夜波来 2020-07-27
从Voting rights act of 1965到Bush *******再到Shelby county…America is going backwards. 很怕再过几年连RBG那句“throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet”之类清醒的声音都听不到了。
Veronica 2021-01-20
John Lewis这个人和这个题材,明明很棒,看完也是得到一些信息,但是片子拍的太烂。narrative稀碎,(感觉作者缺乏basic essay writing skill), 有一些好的historical footage,但是组织的乱七八糟,然后这是什么烂camerawork。
加濑 2022-09-07
拍的节奏有点稀碎扣大分 但我喜欢看他慢悠悠走路的时候bgm配上jazz and he said we must do it orderly, peaceful, nonviolent fashion.
无限风光 2021-06-14
“The world is bigger than what we were doing. He had bigger things in mind. ” Love it.
爱冷 2021-02-14
Georgia Senate Runoff Election,帮***拿下两院,Warnock是他的牧师,Ossoff是他的实习生,老爷子在天有灵。
Aaa 2020-11-03
颂歌式人物纪录片。展现人物不同layer的小技巧:“put them in different spaces. People are different in office and their home”
[Deleted] 2020-06-15
首映,重归影院第一片,虽然只是汽车影院…躺车里太养生也不适合看纯粹的政治倾向的电影;由于当前“魔幻”的BlackLivesMatter社会运动和倒特风潮,看John Lewis的民权运动太容易代入当下的现实,加之***出品、片中诸多***人的访谈(尤其考虑***后***对有色人种的收纳)、这次上映影院的“白富美”背景,组合*作看来有很强为党派站台的意味
罗子 2020-07-31
headradio 2021-01-19
MLK Jr. Day movie. 全片主要是讲他的成就(as minority, I thank him and civil rights movement for the minority voting rights). 最后一部分短暂地提出了一个很难回答的问题:who are you and how did you handle your political idealism when you became a bureaucrat and a part of the establishment. 一个很难回答的问题,不只是政治问题,触及人性
夜波来 2020-07-27
从Voting rights act of 1965到Bush *******再到Shelby county…America is going backwards. 很怕再过几年连RBG那句“throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet”之类清醒的声音都听不到了。
Veronica 2021-01-20
John Lewis这个人和这个题材,明明很棒,看完也是得到一些信息,但是片子拍的太烂。narrative稀碎,(感觉作者缺乏basic essay writing skill), 有一些好的historical footage,但是组织的乱七八糟,然后这是什么烂camerawork。
加濑 2022-09-07
拍的节奏有点稀碎扣大分 但我喜欢看他慢悠悠走路的时候bgm配上jazz and he said we must do it orderly, peaceful, nonviolent fashion.