英国皇家芭蕾直播:睡美人原名:The Sleeping Beauty - Live From The Royal Ballet,
First staged in St Petersburg in 1890, The Sleeping Beauty is the pinnacle of classical ballet: a perfect marriage of Petipa's choreography and Tchaikovsky's music and a glorious challenge for every dancer onstage. It is also The Royal Ballet's signature work. With Oliver Messel's gorgeous original designs wonderfully re-imagined by Peter Farmer, and additional choreography by ...
pandales 2020-05-12
**芭蕾看过好多场了,真的发现Lauren Cuthbertson是唯一的,没有一个Aurora可以像她那样准确,兼顾美感和力量,动作没有一丝犹豫和多余,看完她的演出之后真的再也容不下别人了!
皮皮兔 2019-01-03
这个版本我推荐的唯一原因是 Lauren 的 vision scene,尤其其中的 Ashton solo 的演绎是目前看过的最好的版本。