寻找猴王原名:Seeking the Monkey King,
The film could have well been called Kicking and Screeming but that only describes me in the process of ****** it, questioning its taste. Once the message kicked in it overrode all objection. The piece demanded J.G.Thirlwell’s music, normally way too overtly expressive for me as most of ** stuff comes out of painting and is also to be absorbed in silence. Who will even notice v...
yuςii 2012-04-03
yes we r always fascinating by the garbage we have created, but isnt it not enough fascinating in vison, i think i should use ** hand to watch it, in fact i really did
畅毛大概冻住了 2012-03-28
αυγή 2019-03-09
Aislinn 2023-12-08
画面和Turbulent Waters差不多一样
sirius_flower 2021-11-17
有点让我想到Frampton的柠檬星球 但这个更有一种万花筒的感觉 尤其是通过正反色的不断交替以及去除颜色的过程都给金箔本身的褶皱和形态带来了新的几乎立体的质感 而万花筒式的运动则增加了一层近似于叙述的东西。当我们真的跟随题目去寻找悟空的时候 知觉会自动捕获质料以综合构造出形象 猴王似乎无处不在却又根本不存在