雪松湾 第二季在线观看和下载

雪松湾 第二季(2014)

更新至12 / 13集

演员: 安迪·麦克道威尔 迪兰·尼尔 泰瑞尔·罗瑟里 布伦南·埃利奥特 柯里·瑟威尔


更新时间: 10-31 03:30

资源状态: 可播放

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《雪松湾 第二季》


雪松湾 第二季原名:Cedar Cove Season 2,

Shelly and the unborn baby's prognosis, the former who is in slight medical distress in the hospital due to complications from the pregnancy, is favorable. But this medical condition allows her time away from Eric and with her own thoughts about what she wants to do, which is to give the baby up for adoption since she doesn't trust Eric not to run away again if things get diffi...