哈哈新梗不少。为一个天才剧本忍受与一极品共处一室几个月是否值得这个问题多年来一直让人纠结。As for Missy, "A lot of people have put her performance down in some ways cuz she`s not Ava Gardner, she`s not Rita Hayworth". Of course not ,she`s way better.
RIC 2012-09-12
40分钟下来居然浑身激动得发抖。"Since Double Indemnity, the two most important words in motion pictures are 'Billy' and 'Wilder'" ------ Alfred Hitchcock
Caneloni 2012-09-15
哈哈新梗不少。为一个天才剧本忍受与一极品共处一室几个月是否值得这个问题多年来一直让人纠结。As for Missy, "A lot of people have put her performance down in some ways cuz she`s not Ava Gardner, she`s not Rita Hayworth". Of course not ,she`s way better.
RIC 2012-09-12
40分钟下来居然浑身激动得发抖。"Since Double Indemnity, the two most important words in motion pictures are 'Billy' and 'Wilder'" ------ Alfred Hitchcock
玉面虎 2017-01-23
****** 'Double Indemnity' Missy银幕上的成就是其他女演员无法企及的高度
\t^h/ 2012-09-12
料很足。Wilder秘书躲卫生间看书不上班这种***** legend很欢乐,百搭君进毒气室的alternative ending没留下来有点可惜,电影上映时DOS,Wilder和希胖打广告的段子也异常有趣。