希特勒:最伟大的故事从未讲述过原名:Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told,
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of an incredible story.The story of a boy from an ordinary family whose ambition it was to become an artist, but who instead became a drifter. His destiny however was not to drift into the awaiting oblivion, but to rise to the greatest heights of power, eventually to become one of the most influential men who ...
Angrygoy 2017-06-15
芳亦痕 2020-09-30
One day all the lies will collapse and truth will triumph.
沈珂老师 2018-02-23
Lumen44 2023-11-25
其实很多在Europa the Last Battle那部里都划过重点了,元首故事这部节奏不算很好,战争细节划出的重点还是很值得品味的。比如,敦刻尔克放走英军,后来丘吉尔令兵无差别轰炸柏林。在多数**,战争里走在前面的都是伪君子、**、土鳖和小人,**气是很难得的,理想主义和政治无法兼容。这是一段很难评的历史,但也一直折射着现在,因为“真相”难昭。这么说当然不是意味着这里所说的就是真相,而是说,书写历史的时候,真相已经第一个被牺牲掉了。
这是安菲尔德 2023-11-29