别名:启示录之七封印 / 世界終末の予言
新世界末日的七种现象原名:The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse,又名启示录之七封印、世界終末の予言
Every day our planet faces cataclysmic events that threaten our very existence. Whether from natural or man-made forces, rising from the earth or menacing from *****, the world seems beset by **** catastrophes than ever. Some believe the signs of the coming Apocalypse are all around us–as outlined in the bible’s most compelling book of prophecies: Revelation. And even the non-r...
YJN 2024-04-10
https://***.haokongbu123****/m_jlp/44517.html 战争、饥荒和瘟疫是《*****》里四个**中的三个,他们会让世界走向末日,那么第四个反耶酥的**,他正化为人形在我们当中。这个古老的有2000年的预言会实现吗,在今天,人类真的会走向世界末日吗?