西莫内不在了原名:Simone est partie,又名Simone is gone
Young actors take over the bodies of ** grandparents and replay their last moments together. Accompanied by the voice of ** grandfather, they tell of escaping memory, painful bodies, loneliness. They tell of loss, talk of life.
Mr. Infamous 2021-07-24
胤祥 2021-07-24
#74th Cannes# 导演双周短片入围。“扮演”来重现声**/的“记忆”,多人物身体(6个演员扮演两个人物,也不拘泥于演员的性别)。怀念祖父母(祖父录音-祖母电话答录机),感情真挚。【Festivalscope在线】
字母君 2021-07-23
O莙 2021-07-23
#2021 Cannes Online 开始以为在关注脑损伤群体,结尾才明白是以年轻演员演绎老年状态,倒是挺有想法
Pincent 2021-07-28
65/100 #FestivalScope# interesting acting concept and limited tender moments that's all..