邪恶救星原名:Sinister Stalker,又名Sinister Savior
Karen, an emergency room doctor, is rescued by a handsome stranger named Daniel after she is attacked on her way home one night. When Daniel is injured in the attack, Karen takes him back to her house to tend to his wounds. But as Karen spends **** time with Daniel, she learns that he is not the selfless **** she thought he was.
星夜桐影_TV5XQ 2021-04-19
Louis加油 2023-11-28
纯靠金发美女撑着, 不然剧情太弱了都看不完. 确实长得美就是天然吸引人看下去. 长得美是稀缺资源. 长得美能让部分坏人都不忍心在**上严重伤害你, 只因你长得美, 让男人喜欢