But regardless of what others may say, what truly matters is that behind this mirror, you will ****** a new version of yourself. Or I should say you'll discover who you really are. Your muscles, wing scales, eyes and organs appear to have been preparing for this day since you were born. Nothing happens by chance. 死亡,吸收,**,重建,觉醒。喜欢“你”的口吻,喜欢自然和动画的交织。
Platanus 2023-09-23
人类通过蝴蝶 看见自由 看见复活 看见解脱 看见美 看见神
口 化** 口 2024-02-18
decemberlight 2023-08-20
看的安溥配音的英文版 / 寄生蜂那段太trauma了 / 应该是第一次这么清楚地看到从蛹到蝶变化的瞬间,好神奇。金属光泽的蛹壳也好奇妙
VvvWang 2024-01-28
Life is in fact a wonderful cycle.
Liv Z 2023-10-12
Macca 2023-10-04
画面和文字都很美😭然后去反观人类反观生命的意义之类,“生命是一个美丽的循环。” 安溥的声音很治愈tt
要么写要么死 2023-12-21
But regardless of what others may say, what truly matters is that behind this mirror, you will ****** a new version of yourself. Or I should say you'll discover who you really are. Your muscles, wing scales, eyes and organs appear to have been preparing for this day since you were born. Nothing happens by chance. 死亡,吸收,**,重建,觉醒。喜欢“你”的口吻,喜欢自然和动画的交织。
假如 2024-02-12
椰椰 2023-10-11
Binns 2023-05-11
旁白是安溥(張懸)。高山峽谷、東海岸等自然風光素材拍得不錯,蝴蝶從幼蟲到死亡的過程拍得普通,和discovery差不多。導演太喜歡紫斑蝶,但是爲何選擇這種既非特有種又不珍惜的蝴蝶,沒交代清楚,開頭抛出一個“蝴蝶王國”的消亡,下文也沒怎麽解答。主辦方捫心自問一下,爲何要發免費的爆米花,看毛毛蟲能開胃嗎?2023.4.22,MUVIE CINEMAS TITAN,贈票。