

别名:Roveh Huliot

演员: Nadav Brenner Nissim Eliaz Michael Kafir Arik Rosen



爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



火山口的情人 哈利狄恩史丹頓、艾莎阿基多
父亲法国回 谢尔盖·沙库洛夫、叶甫盖尼娅·西蒙诺娃
5. 波尔加德堡/ 10-07
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14




小木枪原名:The Wooden Gun,又名Roveh Huliot

The Wooden Gun takes place in *** Aviv in the early 1950s. In a clear-eyed fashion that would have been impossible in a film made by "outsiders", the plot details the conflict between native-born Israelis and the newly arrived European refugees. The various fears and prejudices of the adults are passed along to their children, upon whom director Hans Moshenson concentrates. Lar...