小恩小惠原名:Small Mercies,
The police investigate the murder of Richard Tanner who was stabbed and found dead in the model village in Little Worthy tied to the ground like Gulliver from Gulliver's Travels. He was found by the grounds-keeper and model maker Ben Moss who has worked for the owners, sisters Hillary and Harriet Comptom. Tanner wasn't very well liked in the village and was viewed as a troublem...
托卡苏 2019-08-12
S12E05 这集还挺MM的,天堂小村子总是有形形**的恶魔。熟人超多!OT里的Mon Mothma,老探长女儿Abigail Thaw,还有年轻的Olivia Colman演技已经非常好了~
Columbo 2011-09-19
懊恼的冷鱼 2019-12-03
Cheryl 2011-06-11
后面s13里的***** worthy是和这里的little worthy对应的么? ps最眼熟的演员通常就是凶手吧.
Hhhhh 2022-04-14
S12E05 无关剧情,总结下镇里的原则,除了自己的老公老婆和谁都行,第一次哪里看到**剧情还觉得吃惊,看来看去还不如光明**换了。