小不点 电影版在线观看和下载

小不点 电影版(1985)


演员: Jimmy Keegan Bettina Bush Donavan Freberg 哈尔·史密斯 格雷格·白尔杰




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《小不点 电影版》剧情内容介绍

《小不点 电影版》


小不点 电影版原名:Here Come the Littles,又名自由自在的小不点

Henry's parents are lost in Africa, so he must live with his greedy and heartless Uncle Augustus. In the crevices of the house live the "Littles" kind, elf-like creatures. August enslaves Henry and wants to tear down his house to build a shopping center. Grandpa Little cares for *** and Lucy, the Littles' children. *** befriends a vicious cat by removing a splinter from his paw...

老珍妮 2013-01-31

风行有了 叫自由自在的小不点 讲述小不点家族为了**日来到纽约 拯救自由**像和住在里面的**小不点的故事 简单又**- -

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