修复成瘾 第一季在线观看和下载

修复成瘾 第一季(2010)


演员: 妮可·柯蒂斯 勒布朗·詹姆斯 Jason Sanford Bobby Prothero Keith Brace



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《修复成瘾 第一季》


修复成瘾 第一季原名:Rehab Addict Season 1,又名改造成瘾

Nicole Curtis is saving historic houses, one broken-down fireplace at a time. Working in Detroit and Minneapolis, Nicole takes ramshackle homes from the wrecking ball to their original stunning glory. Whether it's managing her rugged crew or wrangling **** officials, this single mom wields her hammer with skill and returns condemned properties to their place as the pride of the...