Stranded tells the sweet and sordid story of Claudia, a world-weary 17-year-old who attempts to flee the detritus of her impoverished family by camping out in her dead mother’s wheel-less car. Claudia’s boyfriend is a kleptomaniac, her father is catatonic and her toxically unhappy younger sister is prone to attack without warning. A kitchen-sink black comedy, the film’s bleakne...
再见皮卡™ 2011-07-07
不是很喜欢EM在里面的造型 姐姐更漂亮些 完全靠听的 字幕不知道是法语还是什么语 自己传的【度盘/s/1dFOFCel 密码: htdy
影养青年 2010-02-06