无依男孩原名:Wonder Boy, Olivier Rousteing, né sous X,又名Wonder Boy
Olivier Rousteing, creative director of the French couture house Balmain, just presented his 2018 Spring/Summer collection as one of the youngest creative director in fashion history. Succeeding in ****** Balmain one of the most influential fashion houses of its time, Olivier is at the height of his career and yet has never felt so empty. Abandoned as a baby and adopted at one,...
一颗大豆 2023-07-30
Appelsiinit 2023-07-27
萧大蠢波Joan 2021-07-01
年纪轻轻走向人生巅峰。弃养与领养,不幸与万幸。Très bien.
乐乐的le 2021-09-22
9-14/15/16 netflix首页随便推荐的,随便收藏的,吃饭的时候随便看的。不认识他,但是单纯这个故事,想要寻找到自己的亲生母亲,是为了更好地了解自己?是因为觉得晚上回家孤独没有陪伴?是因为只有工作,而且那些成功都还不够?who knows,但是想想如果这个人不被遗弃,也不会到白人家庭有这么好的成长了,更不会有一天出名和成功了,都是命不是吗?
大七七 2022-05-19
吃 硬 2021-06-30
2020翠贝卡最佳纪录片,凯撒奖提名,网飞已上线。Balmain创意总监Olivier Rousteing 寻母记(Anna Wintour说的没错,是真的很爱嘟嘟嘴
Lyuura 2022-06-05
自尊好强又敏感脆弱的人,不幸又万幸。不知道是不是有意而为之,看得我**落泪。“** life has been based on trying to be the best, to prove that I was the right choice.” “I always tried to make sure I was pushing ** limits.”
Kylele 2021-08-08
被圈粉balmain 华丽中有清醒 摇滚中有妩媚 而且衣*做工和质感看上去都很好的样子 这位创意总监特别勤奋 情感也很真实 长得也不错 就是嘴唇太夸张 感觉他很聪明 拍这个纪录片是为寻亲吗?更像是一场成功的品牌秀
Lexiexx 2023-06-28
eeehc 2021-07-01
/我越明白我要到哪里去,就越想要知道我是从哪里来。/ 另一个让我印象深刻的是,Olivier 游泳的时候也带着他的大金手表和众多手链😃。