别名:无声的力量:赫尔佐格纪录片手法分析 / This Is How Werner Herzog Uses The Power of SILENCE in Documentaries
演员: 沃纳·赫尔佐格
无声的力量又名无声的力量:赫尔佐格纪录片手法分析、This Is How Werner Herzog Uses The Power of SILENCE in Documentaries
This essay explores Werner Herzog's films and how he uses the Power of Silence in his documentaries. I'm looking at Herzo films from throughout most of his career - the mid 70's until now. It covers interviewing-technique and editing, both pacing and the overarching structure of scenes, and should be interesting for Herzog fans and documentarians especially. The footage is from...
撄宁 2022-07-03
Dun 2022-05-09
怪櫯櫯 2022-08-31
¹ Creating a form of liminal time/an in-between state. ² How silence pushes him to keep talking. ³ Stay silent, letting the placement of the footage speak for itself. ⁴ A statement on the foolishness, being said with silence.
water 2023-02-08
googoooomuck 2022-05-14
in-betweenness / liminal moment 感同身受,举的那几个例子当时在看的时候也是觉得很妙,要分析赫佐三天三夜都说不完
麦麦在利物浦西 2023-09-02
1. 连续说话镜头接到无声场景,形成奇妙对比;2. 被采访者说完话后,镜头继续对着,但采访者不说话,这种尴尬的沉默会*迫被采访者做出一些意料外的行为(尴尬的笑,尴尬的动作);3. 停顿,和下一个转接镜头间可能并无关联,但通过巧妙的设置,让观者感受到一些关联(剪辑的魅力)
cyberflea 2022-09-23
Awkwardness reveals the absurdity of truth.