我们明天见原名:Tomorrow We'll See,又名Domani si vedrà
Luigina is a nurse who lives with her husband Marco and her three children, Lorenzo, Tommaso and Giulia in the outskirts of Rome. Each morning, before the rest of her family have woken up, Luigina gets up to go to work. With the outbreak of the pandemic, hospital work becomes a risk. Every day she comes home not knowing whether she has been infected. Luigina is afraid but she h...
Mr. Lei 2021-06-07
【Sheffield DocFest 2021】意大利家庭隔离影像,即便对未来充满担忧,只要家人在一起,明天就充满希望
Pincent 2021-06-07
55/100 #SheffDocFest# 意大利居家隔离经历
消亡之人 2021-06-07