Woman in Motion又名Woman in Motion: Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek and the Remaking of NASA
Nichelle Nichols' daunting task to launch a national blitz for NASA, recruiting 8,000 of the nation's best and brightest, including the trailblazing astronauts who became the first African American, Asian and Latino men and women to fly in *****.
[Deleted] 2021-02-07
Nichelle Nichols传奇一生,从星际迷航到**裔女性代表,从参与民权运动到身体力行推动NASA的宇航事业,影片中航天飞船的**无疑**者号**,当**的影像出来之后,恰当无误的展示了那一代“跨界”人身上特有的品质:热爱真理、勇于**
1379号**员 2023-04-13
Tour to Beijing American Center 看到女儿罹难时,母亲的“你们千万不要因为这件事而放弃航天事业,因为这是她一生所追求的事业”的时候,我深刻地觉得,正是Nichelle Nichols,正是她们,成就了今天的美国 Not “Woman in motion” But “Women in motion”