我的爱情不出卖原名:Can't Buy My Love,
A spoiled rich man doesn't take it well when he's rejected by an ambulance paramedic. He doesn't give up there but uses his parents' wealth to get to ride with her in the ambulance hoping that it will eventually lead to a date etc.
Saki痛苦填坑中 2024-02-14
** fine非常平淡套路且小清新的晋江言情剧本,超级***男主一见钟情贫穷学霸女主,女主一开始因为钱憎恶男主但最后被他的真诚打动,中间又因为阶级差距短暂冲突,套路,太套路了。但是我还是给四星,因为男女主都太美了🥰阿德莱德还是那么美啊
船頭尺 2020-07-08