侬爱伊人原名:The Man I Love,又名我爱的男人
The film is best known today for Scorsese’s claims that it was his inspiration for New York, New York, but it’s not the plot that found its way into his film. It’s the shadowy culture of working class folks tangled in the post-war culture of seductive night life, of dive bars and the itinerate musicians and singers and underworld types who frequent them, and in the tough attitu...
Caneloni 2015-02-24
T2 2025-01-06
P.s I love you 2018-11-06
10/04/2018, Howard Gilman Theatre @NYFF. 每个角色的故事线都还算完整。
arapallas 2018-03-08
TWY 2024-06-19
+ 音乐拍得极好,在某些时刻让人遗忘了情节。但难道在电影的不露声色中,不是真正地沉淀了那无数致命的创伤,还有被迫为之的遗忘吗?正如拍摄一支萨克斯风,华许的正面镜头让每个人有成为主角的一小段时间,但我们绝对不会忘记其他人,即便看上去是如此。