文明的暮光 第一季原名:The Twilight of Civilizations Season 1,
What caused the downfall of the ancient Egyptian empire? What occurred at Angkor, the greatest kingdom in Cambodia that led to its demise? EP1: The End of the Age of Pyramids How did the most prestigious human civilizations decline and finally collapse? Archeologists are excavating the sites where these civilizations once thrived to find new answers to these crucial questions. ...
UrthónaD'Mors 2022-01-22
Claudia 2019-11-25
沸海鲸歌 2024-01-14
Promeneur 2023-09-13
只有两集比较可惜 个人更喜欢**这集 角度新颖很有意思
瘦竹 2021-07-30
超清晰,很严谨的纪录片,了解文明和学习英语的好素材,可惜目前只有两集:1 吴哥 没落的王国 2 *******的终结
Thirst 2024-04-20
***讲的便是吴哥。 造成吴哥湮没的原因是气候变化、水土流失以及水利系统损坏等不可阻断的**链。
Aleph 2022-05-21