未来食物3.0 第一季在线观看和下载

未来食物3.0 第一季(2017)



更新时间: 11-01 04:34

资源状态: 可播放



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《未来食物3.0 第一季》


未来食物3.0 第一季原名:Food 3.0 Season 1,又名食品革命(香港ViuTV)

Given our current practices, the planet will soon be unable to satisfy the demand for food. This is already of vital concern, but it is set to become even **** pressing. What kind of solutions could **** us rise to this immense challenge? Food 3.0 provides a three-part answer to this question: Techno Food and the new solutions coming from the Silicon Valley, Bio Food and the ea...

X 2020-08-30

神秘果不错 健康做成垃圾食品模样又有什么意思 食物哲学 满足口腹之欲 对环境的人文关怀 就过度烹饪 简单点不好么 关键吃东西是为了**物质 替代的食物里无营养素 有点熵增

棋子 2019-01-25
