文艺复兴的女神原名:Lucrèce Borgia,又名博基亚
At the end of the 15th Century, Rome is ruled ruthlessly by power mad and *** hungry Cesare Borgia, the eldest son of Pope Alexander VI. Following the advice of his chief adviser Niccolo Macchiavelli, Cesare Borgia decides to attempt to unify the country in order to become even **** powerful. To this end he needs his sister Lucrezia. Presently, the beautiful creature is married...
没有昵称 2024-09-02
Cesar Borgia在马基雅维利的辅佐下动用阴险残忍的手段谋求并巩固权势,他妹妹Lucrezia完全成了他的一个棋子,任由他摆布:为了**一方势力,就*她妹妹嫁给这一方的男人,用完之后把男人杀掉,*他妹妹嫁下一个……而他们的父亲也就是教皇****六世为了家族利益,一直放任Cesar为所欲为……今天看来,除了宴会上疯狂交欢的场面在当时看来尺度很大以外,这部好像没感觉有啥别的值得一提的。历史上看,十九世纪**文艺作品把Lucrèce Borgia描绘成一个****的**,二十世纪后历史学家们渐渐搞清状况,文艺作品也开始为她正名,本片算是其中一部。
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