未点到的人原名:A People Uncounted,
The Roma (Gypsies) faced annihilation during the Nazi 'Final Solution,' yet have been relegated to a footnote in history. Today, the Roma are victims of extreme and often violent racial persecution. A People Uncounted is a powerful journey exposing the tragedy of Europe's largest minority group.
V_Lachesis 2012-02-09
Powerful, electrifying. The facts, either hidden in archives or expressed by an eloquent presenter, speak for themselves, loud and clear.
扣扣YYXXY 2012-06-20
之前和同学去电影院又看了一遍,大屏幕把感受也都放大了。a people uncounted,其实是在说一个被忽视的民族。看完这个会对holocaust有全新的体认。历史仍将重演,如果我们始终没有读懂历史带给我们的真正教训。电影很沉重,可是最后和同学看到我们的名字时还是忍不住激动了一下><