吾辈皆神原名:We Are As Gods,
“We are as gods and might as well get good at it,” Stewart Brand wrote in ‘68. The legendary pioneer of ***, cyberspace, futurism, and modern environmentalism now urges people to use our god-like powers to fight extinction by reviving lost species.
blood orange 2021-03-25
其实不叫大怪兽 2021-05-06
4.5 在乔布斯斯坦福演讲最出名的那句Stay Hungry Stay Foolish好多人以为是乔布斯自己说的,其实是出自Stewart Brand本片主人公所创办的the Whole Earth Catalog最后一期书面,也是美国传奇历史人物之一,永远不敢说自己懂得什么,受益匪浅了,太涨知识了关于这个世界~