玩转平行世界原名:The Wrong Door,
这是***电视台最新上映的喜剧片,背景设置在一个超现实的平行宇宙。那里的生活深受影视的影响(特别是日常生活),超级英雄、奇才、恐龙在此**见惯,遍地开花。每一天,这里都会发生汽车追逐、爆炸、灾难…… Comedy sketch show set in a surreal parallel universe where film and TV special effects are part of everyday life. In this world, superheroes, wizards and dinosaurs are commonplace in the daily merry-go-round of car chases, explosions and disasters.
Q10 2010-09-16
Andy Davidson 2010-07-24
The Wizard of Office (2008) TV episode - The Train Pirates (2008) TV episode - Njarnia (2008) TV episode - The World's Most Annoying Creature (2008