外科医生马丁 试播集在线观看和下载

外科医生马丁 试播集(2001)

演员: 马丁·克鲁勒斯 内芙·麦克因托什 琳赛·巴克斯特




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《外科医生马丁 试播集》相关推荐

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《外科医生马丁 试播集》剧情内容介绍

《外科医生马丁 试播集》


外科医生马丁 试播集原名:Doc Martin,

When obstetrician Martin Bamford learns that his wife has been unfaithful to him with all three of his best mates, he decides to leave London for a short while to clear his head and decide what to do next. He heads to the village of Port Isaac in Cornwall where he had spent some time as a boy. He's a bit of an oddity in the village and some at least suspect he may be there for ...

shannon 2024-02-09
