别名:The True Life of Antonio H.(美) / La vraie vie d'Antonio H.(法)
演员: Ivan Accardi 贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇 Lamberto Consani 朱莉娅娜·德·西约 恩尼奥·凡塔斯蒂基尼
La vera vita di Antonio H.又名The True Life of Antonio H.(美)、La vraie vie d'Antonio H.(法)
Antonio Hutter (Haber's alter ego) is on a stage and recalls his life dominated by his only ***** wish:to be an actor. So he tells about his childhood in Israel, his youth in Verona, his first roles in Franco Rossi's Eneide Taviani's Sotto il segno dello scorpione, his encounter with Orson Welles (never happened in reality), a role in Bertolucci's Il Conformista, later cut in t...
杨浦小囡 2019-03-17
河湾 2014-12-27