《铁血战士》制作花絮:如果它能流血,我们就能杀了它原名:If It Bleeds We Can Kill It: The Making of 'Predator',
A behind-the-scenes look at the 1987 sci-fi/action film that has since become one of the modern classics, about a team of special forces soldiers who find themselves being stalked and killed by a hunter from another world. Includes interviews with the cast and crew, who relate their experiences in bringing this film to life.
EVA_征*天堂 2024-04-27
ZHC 2022-04-01
向日*d兽 2019-06-20
为索尼找了保镖是来保护其他人。阿诺的手臂赌局。第一版掠夺者模型好蠢,特别是头,最后找了stan winston重新设计。