Trisha Brown: Watermotor在线观看和下载

Trisha Brown: Watermotor(1978)

别名:Trisha Brown, Water Motor

演员: Trisha Brown



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《Trisha Brown: Watermotor》相关推荐

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《Trisha Brown: Watermotor》剧情内容介绍

《Trisha Brown: Watermotor》


Trisha Brown: Watermotor又名Trisha Brown, Water Motor

1978, Babette Mangolte made a film of famed choreographer Trisha Brown dancing a hyperkinetic solo called Water Motor. The first portion was filmed in "real time," at 24 frames per second, and the second at half-speed, or 48 frames per second. In the second take, Brown's movements appear elongated in time, the slowed frame rate ****** visible what was previously inaccessible to...

XC 2018-10-10


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