特吕弗:遗失的肖像原名:François Truffaut: Portraits volés,又名François Truffaut: Stolen Portraits
Twenty-six people - including two daughters, an ex-wife, his last lover, actors, fellow directors and writers, a neighbor, and boyhood friends - talk about François Truffaut. They ******* his attitudes toward wealth, his early writings about cinema, the undercurrent of violence in his films and his personality, the way he used and altered events in his life when ****** films, h...
[Deleted] 2020-03-18
前手册主编Serge Toubiana参与导演的纪念特吕弗纪录片,密集采访是访谈录形式上的加强,如片中Macel Ophuls回忆中准确的定义:“马塞尔会见弗朗索瓦”,引申(旁人视角的)回忆纪念、圈内人的华山论剑,无论老中青的**印象中,尤其超嫩的阿萨亚斯和雷诺阿对比,特吕弗作品对几代人的影响值得去纪念这些“旁枝末节”,虽然有些遗憾但不外乎、也意料之中没有戈达尔的评论