

别名:Heaven Open

演员: Tristan Tessier Judith Williquet



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罗马 雅利扎·阿巴里西奥、玛丽娜·德·塔维拉 8.2
宝贵时光 Thomas Aske Berg、Anneke Blok 6.2
1. 1988年的妮可/ 10-24
2. 小农夫/ 01-12
3. 破败工厂/ 12-11
4. 签约幽会/ 10-23
5. 放荡青春/ 10-14
7. 海湾/ 09-30
8. 绿雾/ 11-25
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




天堂在望原名:Himinn Opinn,又名Heaven Open。2017年短片类型片,创作于比利时、冰岛地区,具有英语语言版本。由Gabriel Sanson、Clyde Gates执导,集众多位Tristan Tessier、Judith Williquet等著名实力派明星加盟。


A fallen community struggles to survive on a remote island. A young woman seems to bear a strange disease that makes the vegetation and the animals perish. A lonely shepherd volunteers to escort her in the deserted lowlands to prevent her from contaminating the rest of the village.  DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT  Himinn Opinn was crafted with pieces of glaciers and volcanoes, with the ***...

胤祥 2017-09-11

#Venice2017# 地平线竞赛短片。第二组里比较好的3部之一。既带奇幻色彩又带宗教情怀,主要是摄影实在太好了,在冰岛取景,特别沉郁苍凉,尤其对**雾气、弱光的展现都很精到。虽说当然可以扩成一个长片但是这部剧作上还好(靠画外音撑着),不算是个短片开头。