天生杀手原名:Born to Kill,又名双尸案(香港)
Helen Brent has just received a Reno divorce. That night, she discovers one of her neighbors, Laury Palmer, and a gentleman caller murdered in their home. The killer is her neighbor's other boyfriend, who won't abide anyone "cutting in" on him. This is Sam Wilde, a man who knows what he wants, is insanely jealous of what he has, and will kill to keep it. Rather than tell the po...
朗韵 2023-12-24
KUMA 2013-04-16
Meurtre, chantage, manipulation…les ingrédients rituels du film noir mêlés à des jeux de jalousie ** de séduction jusqu'à une sorte de connivence perverse ** corruptrice. Magnifique interprétation de Trevor, glacée mais avide qui nuance la cupidité ambiguë du personn
a little mark 2013-02-20
3星半,后半部分好精彩。这白***= = 爱情可以侵蚀一个**的良心【以及智商。【不过Claire真的好棒。
LewArchie 2012-10-06
Hinkly 2016-04-10
月窺人 2021-05-19
如影随行 2012-01-05
7.2/10 男猪根本不帅嘛!还好片子是很地道的黑色
arapallas 2016-10-08
***韦 2014-03-06
stknight 2015-06-06
黑色电影里面一般是男人被Femme Fatale所吸引,而这一部电影则是**被男人吸引(虽然并没有觉得这男的魅力有那么大,只会**的深井冰),塑造了一个Homme Fatale的角色。而这个**的所作所为只能用“傻”来形容。那个私家侦探倒是很会说至理名言,然而怎么只知道讹别人的钱。